Sunday, January 25, 2015

*** VOTE APRIL 7TH ***

Amanda, why are you running for a seat on the Waukesha School Board?

I am running for the school board with the goal to add to an already great school board. 

1. I will bring first-hand professional knowledge and experience of what it takes for student to advance into colleges and universities based on my experience working at and with local institutions of higher learning. 

2. I am an invested Parent. With my child currently in the Waukesha school system, decisions made by the board will have the input of a parent whose home will be directly affected by what is done. I would voice the concerns and approvals of my fellow parents and community members. 

3. My 10+ years of experience in multiple areas of property management will help me provide the board with additional insight to running the numerous facilities. 

4. And finally I will offer the voice of diversity. I would proudly serve as a school board member for all families in our district however, should I gain a seat, I would become the first Hispanic to serve on this board.     

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